Natch was born into a trader family headed by her father who was from a long line of traders, and a holder mother, youngest daughter of a Holder of a prosperous hold, and preceded by five sisters. Her father, always looking out for his family's best interests, had expected his wife to supply him with many fine, strong sons to help with the work and carry on the family trading. He was not pleased with the line of daughters he was presented with. Being an inventive and somewhat nonconventional thinking man, one by one the girls were brought up to work hard, ride hard, and bargain hard. Alas for her mother who wanted sweet young daughters to dress in fine gowns and teach the finer arts of stitching and decorating, just as her mother had taught her. But when she found herself with child a sixth time, Natch's mother approached her father pleadingly, asking that if this child were also a girl, that she be brought up in the gentler ways. Thinking that for sure his next child would be the boy he longed for, the man agreed, adding he'd like to name the child himself. In the allotted time the baby was born, and a messenger sent to the head trader, who was at the moment he was found in the middle of important negotiations with a Lord Holder for some smith-made equipment, to give him the message and find out the name of his new daughter. The messenger, out of breath, interrupted and made the announcement to the now annoyed trader, whose answer was "Naturally! What else could I expect?" Not thinking quite clearly because of his exertions, the messenger turned and headed back to the newborn and her mother with the news that the name of this small, brown eyed babe was to be "Naturally". Not pleased, but thinking her husband could have done worse, Natch's mother sent for the Hold's harper, and had the name made official. As happens so frequently, the name was shortened in daily use, and Naturally became Natch over time, and found it much easier to use than explaining that her true name is her given name.